Department of Dreams

Bold new regenerative futures
that weave together the dreams of many

While investing in the dark matter of large scale system change, we must also invest in the dream matter – the artists, writers, designers, dreamers and creative visionaries – those who dare to dream up bold new futures for humanity, and have the capacity to stretch our imaginations further than we ever thought possible. Department of Dreams is a site for unlocking, sharing, manifesting and investing into the dream capacity that lies inside us all.

Bold new regenerative futures that weave together the dreams of many.

While investing in the dark matter of large scale system change, we must also invest in the dream matter – the artists, writers, designers, dreamers and creative visionaries – those who dare to dream up bold new futures for humanity, and have the capacity to stretch our imaginations further than we ever thought possible.


Department of Dreams is part of CIVIC SQUARE and its work to shape regenerative futures.

The Department sits within the
Neighbourhood Economics Lab in order to enable its continual development, and foster its crucial importance as an open tool and connector across different worlds.


The Department of Dreams is part of CIVIC SQUARE and its work to shape regenerative futures. The Department sits within the Neighbourhood Economics Lab in order to enable its continual development, and foster its crucial importance as an open tool and connector across different worlds.


